CONGRATULATIONS to Ben Hackett on winning the 2020 Honda CR-V SUV at the 2020 Portland International Auto Show! Ben an avid attendee of the Auto Show came to the show with Fiancée Sarah Miller specifically to look at Honda CR’V’s as their potential next vehicle. As they entered the show on Sunday, the first thing Ben did was enter for a chance to win the CR-V giveaway vehicle. The timing of them being at the show on Sunday worked out beautifully when the show contacted them to be the Sunday finalist for the live giveaway happening just a couple of hours later. You can imagine their shock when they actually won the vehicle they came to the show to see and research. Not only did they win the CR-V they also won the Yakima Cargo Box and Rack System displayed on the vehicle.

The 2020 Honda CR-V was given away by the Metro Portland New Car Dealers Association and provided by the NW Honda Dealers.

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