Congratulations to the 2022 New Car Giveaway Winner, Luan Nyugen!

Luan was the winner of the 2021 Toyota RAV4 Prime SE AWD Hybrid at the 2022 Portland International Auto Show. Luan and his wife Van who live in Hillsboro were first time attendees of the show. It was a last minute decision for them. Luan was the Saturday finalist for a one in four chance at winning the RAV4. Both were in shock when Laun’s key fob flashed the lights on the RAV4 Sunday night at the show letting them know they were the winners. Not only did they win the RAV4 they also won the roof rack system provided by Re-Rack. The 2021 Toyota RAV4 was given away by the Metro Portland New Cars Dealers Association in conjunction with Beaverton Toyota and the NW Toyota Dealers. In the photo from left to right Van Nyugen, Luan Nyugen, Liby Rodriguez from Beaverton Toyota, Greg Remensperger EVP Metro Portland New Car Dealers Association and Jeff Fishback Auto Show Director.

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